Friday 9 April 2010

Unsteady Hand + Project

Experiencing a extremely shaky hand. Resulting very shaking and unsure lines when drawing free hand ideas. MUJI HAUL, 0.99 for a A4 sketch pad. Brilliant for rough sketches and doesnt hurt your wallet when it gets all scrunched up in your bags.

For the new performance project.

Intending to work around the phrase:

"When a man buys a house, he also buys the land and all the wonders and treasures beneath the house"

For the performance part, I'm creating a underground spa, filled with Victorian Japanese fusion. (If there is a word as such)+ The history and features of its surrounding areas and London.

Performance; customers of the spa is the performers and audiences. Taking the roll of the Steam Punk Fantasy wearing spa costumes whilst being bewildered by the atmospheres of the room. They will exit the spa feeling refreshed body and mind. An anti-reality concept.